EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY. Christ the King Parish: 24 Hours of Adoration - Friday, April 15 to Saturday, April 16, 2016. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis urges the faithful to be before the Lord, for 24 hours, in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Christ the King Parish will have ‘24 Hours of Adoration’ at Christ the King Church, 847 St. Mary's Road, St. Vital, Winnipeg; Mass at 3 PM on Friday, April 15 followed by Adoration for 24 hours, ending on Saturday, April 16 before the Saturday 4 PM Mass. Everyone is invited to participate, spending some time in prayer (the suggested time is at least one hour) before the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited and welcome to come at any time during the 24 hours of prayer. If you know a scheduled-time you are willing to come, sign-up sheets are prepared as there needs to be at least 1 to 2 people in the church at all times during this 24 hours. For more information: 204-257-3300 or visit
YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY. Theology on Tap – Tuesday, April 12, 2016.
Come out for a night of fun, friendship, food and faith for Young Adults on Tuesday, April 12 at Johnny G’s, 177 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg. Food & Fellowship at 6:15 PM, talk at 7 PM. This month’s speaker will be Msgr Commault and the topic is: “Redemptive Suffering”.
MARRIAGE, FAMILY & LIFE. “Fasting and Prayer Campaign to End Euthanasia” – March 19, 2016 till March 19, 2017. All are invited to join this campaign which officially runs from March 19, 2016 to March 19, 2017 (The Feast of St Joseph). Make a commitment today to start praying and fasting (for example: fasting on bread and water; skipping a meal, one day a week; praying the Rosary; spending an hour in Adoration one day a week). Perpetual Adoration is held at Holy Cross Parish Adoration Chapel at Holy Cross Parish, 252 Dubuc St., Winnipeg. For more information: Carla, 204-237-7707.
STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION. 4th Sunday of Easter – April 17, 2016. “The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” Acts 13:52 Because the disciples heard Our Lord’s call, they were able to spread the Gospel message with strength and vitality. We, too, can experience that same joy if we take time to open our hearts, listen to God, ask for His direction and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives and our decisions.