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TIN GIÁO PHẬN - Tuần VI Phục Sinh

Thứ bảy - 07/05/2016 00:21
TIN GIÁO PHẬN (Tuần 5 Phục Sinh - 8.5.2016)

Universal: That in every country of the world, women may be honoured and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: That families, countries, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace.

MARRIAGE, FAMILY & LIFE. *NEW* Calendar of Events: Celebrate the National Week for Life and the Family – May 8 – 15, 2016. From May 8 to 15, participate in the National Week for Life and the Family! Several events will take place in parishes throughout Winnipeg and throughout Manitoba, surrounding the theme “LIFE: Life is for Everyone”.  On Monday night, May 9, come to the Mass for Life and then listen to the three archbishops speak in a relaxed atmosphere on the Catholic response to assisted suicide; Wednesday, May 11, participate in an evening of presentations on palliative care; Thursday morning, May 12, come and Walk for Life, and in the evening, listen to a presentation on Advance Care Directives and ethical decisions at the end of life; Friday, May 13, come sing and praise the Lord before the Blessed Sacrament at “Illuminate”! For more information: or Marie Brunet, Coordinator of Marriage, Family and Life Services, 204-594-0274,    

Finding Forgiveness - Healing & Recovery after Hurt - Thursday, May 12, 2016. This free presentation by Luella Jonk, PhD, Registered Professional Counsellor will benefit anyone who may be having difficulty in gaining trust in their partner. Potential ways of betrayal will be discussed. The humane act of forgiveness can be applied to many aspects of one’s mental wellbeing, but is an especially important act with one’s partner. Presentation held on Thursday, May 12, Mary, Mother of the Church, 85 Kirkbridge Drive. Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation begins at 7 PM. Light refreshments will be available. To register:

Adoramus Ministries: A Celebration for Mothers’ Day – Sunday, May 8, 2016. Adoramus Ministries presents ‘A Celebration of Life Service: "Mother a love beyond compare” with facilitators Fr. Robbie McDougall and Deloris Chartier on Sunday, May 8, 2 PM, Green Acres Memorial Gardens Chapel, Highway #1 East at 1 Green Acres Lane. Interdenominational Service. For more information: 204-237-7899.

STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION. 7th Sunday of Easter - May 8, 2016. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelations 22:13. This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – putting God first in all that we do.  Not only when I am at Mass and parish activities, but when I am in the world, at work or at school.  Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle, it’s how I make all my decisions.

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 Tags: phục sinh

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